20 January, 2007

What, again?

Yes, it's true. It's Snowing!

What has happened to our weather? Are we stealing Snow from some northern state? It's like a miracle- Snow three times in one winter! It's actually Winter! I can't stop using exclamation points! That's how weird this is! And how excited I am! Yay!

In honor of Snow, I present to you...
Five Things I love that are white:
1. SNOW. Of course!
2. Yoghurt. Best late-night (read: ten o'clock) snack ever.
3. Paper- to read of off, to write on, and to cut into clever shapes.
4. Milk. We found someone who has cows. :)
5. Clean sheets that are cold when you first lie down but are so warm in the morning that you don't want to move.

Enough silliness for one night. I'm going to bed- church tomorrow!

19 January, 2007

This is ridiculous.

School's been closed since Friday last and won't open again until Monday. It's just a little snow!

No really, the school parking lot, which is horrible to begin with, is a sheet of ice. Hopefully it's melted by now, but it's supposed to snow again tomorrow, so there's no telling.

That's a whole week that the kids have had to forget their spelling words. That is not good. Monday shall be quite interesting.

14 January, 2007

It's snowing!

They cancelled church! Isn't that odd? School was out Friday and will be out tomorrow, too. Meanwhile, I'm drinking coffee and cutting out snowflakes. A happy occupation.

I realised something today. My parents used to tell me that a man wanted a clever wife who could carry on an intelligent conversation. They haven't said that in a while. I was wondering if that means I should stop reading and keep my mouth shut now? I shouldn't want to be too clever and monopolise the conversation.

Anyway, it was a funny thought. It reminds me of their story about my beginning to talk- evidently they thought I would never start, and then when I did, they thought I would never stop!

13 January, 2007

"Why Contemporary Reformed Theological Debate Makes Me Want to Vomit"

Getting in touch with my catholic side.

Because evidently, I am a heretic and not a member of Christ's Church. Please pray for me.

I have a headache. I'm going to go apply a salve: Rev. Wilson's biography of John Knox ought to do nicely.

05 January, 2007


I'm sad to have missed the rest of the days of Christmas, but I've been a little busy. So, now that I have a moment, I'll just let you all in on a few things I've learned in the past three days of teaching first and second grade.

1. I hate Abeka curriculum with a passion.
2. Evidently, I can't tell the difference between a long vowel and a short vowel.
3. I forgot. That's what happens when all you've been saying all day consists of these six phrases (or variants of the same):
-Sit down.
-Stop talking.
-Obey me the first time.
-Meg! Stop!
-Do your work.
-Turn around and sit correctly in your chair.

I now understand (actually understand) why homeschooling the Veritas/Abeka way is ridiculous in the extreme. Why would you want to try to teach that many subjects at once, with that much material in each one? Give me a break!