16 May, 2006

Two Things

1. I've had an apostrophe. I thought of a great name for my pub: 'The Axe and Tree: the public house of St. Boniface'. Did you know he's the patron saint of brewers? I thought it would be neat to have part of that passage from John (you know, where the axe is laid at the root of the tree?) done up over the doorway. Isn't it great?

2. Quote from Wendell Berry. He makes me feel quasi-normal:
'She would do a man's work when she needed to, but she lived and died without ever putting on a pair of pants. She wore dresses. Being a widow, she wore them black. Being a woman of her time, she wore them long. The girls of her day, I think, must have been like well-wrapped gifts, to be opened by their husbands on their wedding night, a complete surprise. "Well! What's this?"'


Kelly said...

I think you mean "epiphany."

And yes, "The Axe and Tree" would be great, and I think I've got to start reading Mr. Berry. You keep saying such nice things about him, and now I'm reading Rod Dreher's Cruncy Cons, and even he speaks highly of him.

Kelly said...

CruncHy. Crunchy Cons.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Yes, Mr. Berry is great fun. He does preach through his characters quite a bit, but nevertheless, I enjoy his writing.

The quote here is from Hannah Coulter.

Elaienar said...

He sounds fun.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Yes, indeedy.