14 July, 2006

Aesthetics & Writing

Greg Wilbur of Kingsmeadow Study Center writes this list of medieval aesthetic principles:

Order: tradition, following models
Craftsmanship: attention to detail; skill and learning; mastery of technique
Rooted: firm foundation in biblical truth and culture; rooted in faith and community
Inventive: creative; seeking new ways to express old and eternal truths
Anonymous: workers who created for God’s glory; the aim of the work is more important than who created it
Interdependence: communal; artists worked in community for the edification of the greater community
Spirit: worked within the framework of a Christian culture seeking to convey biblical and theological truth
Eternal: eternal truth more important than realism; stories out of time; timeless truth

He writes of art, but it occurs to me that this list applies also to writing (as well as every other part of life). I would appreciate having some guidelines for good writing; I never thought that was what I was learning from reading all of these classics. I suppose I never thought of it at all.

There are so many things to think of...where will I ever find the time?

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