23 February, 2006

One of the things that bothers me

about the internet and blogs is that they seem to perpetuate the modern idea that everyone has something important to say to everyone else. That is, one tends to think that one has a copyright on whatever is one's favourite idea, and that it must needs be published for all to read, because, obviously, no one else could have thought such a thing. Even this paragraph that I am writing here has been thought of and written before. So, the question is, why do I write? Do I have good reason to?

This must primarily be for my own benefit, and the impact on others only a side-benefit, or else I should quit and let there be at least one person who doesn't fill the internet with their babble.

Since I'm questioning this decision to start a blog so much, I believe it would help me to look at this as passing a story or a writing around to acquaintances, instead of thinking of it as publishing a book for the whole world to read. There certainly isnt anything wrong with asking one's friends for a critique. There is, on the other hand, with subjecting the world to one's awful work; and also with passing round a diary that contains one's deepest thoughts.

I'm not looking to make an impact upon the world. I just want to be a better writer.


Kelly said...

I see you finished The Nine Tailors. What did you think of it?

*Hint - according to Valerie's Rules of Blogging, a question of this nature deserves an entire blog post to itself.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Ah, I see. Well, I'll do my best.