19 September, 2006

An Interesting Thought:

Galadriel as the Law?



Michael Russell said...

P.C. -

Thank you for the link, but especially thank you for taking the time to read and consider the post. Although I'm on sabbatical from blogging for now, I continue to be edified and encouraged from the illustrations and insights from Tolkien's books.

Your description seems to reveal that you are a bit of a hobbit: "enjoy good beer, treks over wooded land, baking bread, and guessing riddles." A hobbit is a wonderful thing to be: Tolkien considered himself to be a hobbit of the first-order!

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Thank you for the comment, Dr. Mike. I do enjoy Tolkien quite a bit, but I'm afraid that I'm much too tall to be a hobbit. I suppose it's really more about one's way of living than one's physical appearance, though.

I'm glad that I found your blog. It's interesting to read the archives, so I don't mind too much that you aren't actively blogging. I'll try not to read too quickly, I guess!