28 November, 2006


Since I've been cooking and baking so many new things recently, I thought I'd post some pictures and recipes of my (new) favourites. I've already posted the recipe for Georgian Khachapuri (the delicious cheesy bread), but there's nothing like a picture when you can't actually see something. Here's one from the batch I made Thanksgiving night for supper. That stuff you see coming out of the top is CHEESE, thanks be to God.

We threw a surprise chocolate party for A's birthday last Friday. What with chocolate pecan pie, Death by Chocolate Cake, truffles, Chocolate Peppermint Sticks, fudge, Dad's Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies, and chocolate coffee pudding, I think we're all going to be on a sugar high for weeks! Unfortunately, we ate most everything, and didn't take pictures before we fell to. Next time I make Death by Chocolate Cake or truffles (the best ones, in my opinion), I'll be sure to have my camera ready.

For Thanksgiving dinner, I made Baked Apricot-Wild Rice Chicken. We also had cranberry sauce, broccoli, and rolls, followed by pumpkin pie and chocolate cheesecake. The cheesecake was a big hit. I also made a centerpiece by baking bread in the shape of a shock of wheat.

Also this week, I've made Bouillebaisse, which is a new family favourite. It's a fish stew sort of dish and it's excellent with some crusty bread. I like to make baguettes to serve hot with supper. Sad thing, I don't actually like to eat the stew. Everyone else does, though, so I've added it to our list of meals.

Next week is our cookie exchange. I'll be getting some new recipes then, so I'll have plenty more baking to do! I'll be making my grandmother's now-famous molasses cookies. So tasty.

Recipes tomorrow!

1 comment:

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Hm. Picture editting with blogger is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Forgive the bad formatting.