21 November, 2006

I've had an apostrophe...

Lightnin' has struck my brain.

This article was posted on the RUF list-serv (e-mail discussion forum). I was writing an e-mail to respond to it, and I realised, half-way through my second proof-read, that I have way too many commas in this sentence. That's not actually, what, I realised, I just, thought, that I, would write that, because, it was getting, ridic,ulous. Ahem. Sorry...Where was I? Oh, yes. I realised that I hate list-serv discussions. And now I know why, because I unconsciously wrote it out in my reply. Here's what I said (unedited):

"Before everyone jumps in and tears this author and his article to teeny-weeny pieces for any and every reason other than the legitimate one, that of disagreement on Biblical grounds-- I just want to say that I agree with what he wrote. Especially with this bit: "The purpose of this article was to encourage careful thinking about this issue and the seeking of God's truth." That is why I'm saying I agree. I don't want to argue with anyone about all of the possible "exceptions" or "special circumstances". All I know is, we should have babies. Anything beyond that is on each individual's own conscience. We cannot make a rule based upon possible exceptions. Stop trying to outline the entire boundary of our free wills. It isn't possible because no-one is able to speak for anyone else's conscience. It is important, however, to recognise truth when we see it. Therefore:
1. God made us fertile.
2. He is in control of everything.
3. He commanded us to be fruitful and multiply.

Why wouldn't you obey him?"

I was in the middle of editing for content and flow of argument when I came across that bold sentence which tells me exactly what I think of these people. "Stop trying to outline the entire boundary of our free wills." Stop nit-picking! Quit it, you Pharisees! The only reason you all are doing this is because you don't want to obey in the big things, just the little tiny ones! It makes me wonder if they tithe their mint and cumin, too.

And now I wonder how I got to this place in my life. I used to be just as legalistic and pharisaical. Honestly, I thought I still was, but I see from my reaction that I'm not any longer. That is very strange and very wonderful.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

We have come a long way, indeed, and the road goes ever on...