18 June, 2007

I am now the proud owner of...

a Kombucha mother! I felt it appropriate to name her, since she is the Mother of my Kombucha tea. I have named her Eve-- it seemed the best fit. Kombucha is almost like very mild tasting, slightly carbonated apple cider vinegar. That's really the best description I can give. You should try it for yourselves! It warms you right up.

I also have been given some Kefir (keh-FEER) grains with which to make cultured milk! It is tasty, and it takes less time than Kombucha. I had some Kefir of my own making this morning. It is deliciously tangy and resembles very liquid yoghurt.

Fermented beverages...they're more tasty than you might think!


Kelly said...

I have just started using Kefir (which I pronounce KEE-fur, following the venerable "Say it like it's English" school) in the last couple of weeks. I'm not overly fond of such tart/sour stuff, so I'll add some Kefir to my yogurt smoothies, and sometimes I'll add a spoonful to a glass of milk. It'll take me awhile to get used to the flavor.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

It is very strong. :) I haven't added it to my smoothies yet; I suppose I will try it eventually.

Smoothies have turned out to be the answer to my breakfast problem (I never want to eat anything in the mornings). We're still getting fresh eggs from the lady at Dad's work, so I mix two yolks in with the yoghurt, coconut milk, and fruit, and it holds me 'til lunch.

I tried avocado in it once. It was terrible!

Kelly said...

I think an avocado smoothie would need to be savory, so yeah, I can imagine coconut milk being nasty with that. You'd have to do yogurt and sour cream, and maybe... fresh garlic? And salsa?

Yuck. Guacamole would be much better.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

No kidding!

...I think I could eat guacamole for breakfast. :)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.