01 June, 2007

Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang, author of the many-coloured Fairy Books, also wrote poetry. Here is one of my favourites:

The Odyssey

AS one that for a weary space has lain
Lull'd by the song of Circe and her wine
In gardens near the pale of Proserpine,
Where that Ææan isle forgets the main,
And only the low lutes of love complain,
And only shadows of wan lovers pine—
As such an one were glad to know the brine
Salt on his lips, and the large air again—
So gladly from the songs of modern speech
Men turn, and see the stars, and feel the free
Shrill wind beyond the close of heavy flowers,
And through the music of the languid hours
They hear like Ocean on a western beach
The surge and thunder of the Odyssey.

He wrote letters to dead authors as well. Here's one of interest: a letter to Jane Austen.


Miss Puritan Chickie said...

I wish the formatting would have come out correctly...

Kelly said...

There's probably an easier way to do it, but I just code in the spaces. " " is the code, and it gives you one space, so when I'm using it and need more than that, I'll type that code, then a space, then the code again. You'll have to fool around with it when you're posting to be sure it actually indents as much as you want it to, and it makes for very messy work, but it does look nice on the page when you get it right.


Kelly said...

And naturally it just rendered the code as a space.

& n b s p is the code, only with no spaces between the letters.
