11 June, 2007


Sorry for the lack of posting; our poor computer died, and I had to wait for Dad to fix it.

I've got a couple of jobs lined up for August: house-cleaning (part-time, $30/hour) and teaching (part-time, $9/hour). I'll have those two for the school year, at least. I'm hoping to save up for my first year's total expenses at college. I e-mailed NSA a while back and they never responded-- I did manage to e-mail at the busiest time of year, though. I'm going to call them later this week, and get more information about scholarships and such things.

I stopped by Borders today and read Leepike Ridge, Nathan Wilson's newest book. It was an excellent story. If you don't have it yet, I highly recommend buying it. Or you could do what this poor girl does, and read it in the bookstore!

"Beer, if drank with moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health."
Thomas Jefferson

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