10 July, 2008


I have a friend. I shall call her Mrs. Dimble, because she takes care of people, and because she is incredibly likely to make Insightful Comments to people who are not unlike Ivy Maggs (for example, me). Mrs. Dimble has made Insightful Comments to me regularly, ever since she met me. She also makes Interesting Suggestions. One of her most recent Interesting Suggestions was that I should go to Europe for a while to work. She said it would be an Adventure. Boy, was she right. I thought this was a good idea, so I looked into being an au pair in France. I didn't mean it, really, but now someone wants me. To come to their house. In France. In September. THIS September.

So I'm looking at my visa application and wondering how I'm going to fill it out in French like it wants when I don't really remember any French.

I think, maybe, that I have enough Interesting Suggestions to keep me occupied for a while. Thank you, Mrs. Dimble, but could you hold off on the rest of them for a bit so I can get used to this one?


Kelly said...

Oh my gosh! That's so exciting for you.

We keep telling ourselves we need to have you back here before we move (nothing set in stone yet, but you know we've never meant to be here this long and we might be moving end of October-ish) but we haven't figured out how to work it out and I keep thinking there's plenty of time and nothing will ever really change.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Very exciting. And really weird.

I would love to come visit you all again. If I can't go to France in September, my plan is to visit R & C in VA. If that comes about, maybe I could swing by your place for a while. Then I'll go to France in January.

If I do go in September, maybe I can visit you (wherever you are) next summer.

Where are you thinking about moving? Alabama? or Missouri? I'm very excited for you- I hope you find some good land!

Kelly said...

We're in the middle of trying to buy land in Missouri -- it's really slow doing these things long distance. Lord willing we'll be closing on the first of August, but the house on the property has been gutted, so that will have to be taken care of before we move, "we" being me, the children and the animals. Mike (and maybe Stephen) will stay here until this house sells.

The boys are all at my mom's now -- they're coming home next week, then the girls are going back with her. She and Ray will be bringing the girls back here some time around the beginning of August, so if it fit your schedule you could even hitch a ride with them. We could get you to R&C's whenever you need to be there.

Have I told you I'm learning French? The little ones and I are using The Learnables. Really like it.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

My goodness! The first of August? I hope it works out. Where abouts in Missouri?

Right now it looks like I'm going overseas. I'm really just waiting on the visa paperwork. I probably won't know for certain until after the first of August.

How are you transporting all of your animals?

Kelly said...

Outside of Springfield, Webster County, which is northeast of S'field. 39 acres and an adorable stone house.

Mike's going to borrow a horse trailer -- we won't be taking all the animals, probably no more than half a dozen goats; haven't decided on the poultry yet.

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

39 acres? A stone house? Oh, I am so excited for you! (and slightly envious)

How many goats do you have now?! "No more than half a dozen"? I thought you still only had 4, at the most. I'm way behind, evidently.

My French family just sent me the information about the language classes I have to take while I'm there. It'll cost 2100 euros. I'm a little concerned- that's half my savings!

Kelly said...

We had six kids this year (five female, one male) so we're up to a dozen. :-)

Things are getting wonky now that we have a contract in hand -- it looks like it will cost more to fix up that little house (it's such a long story, but the current owner bought the property thinking to flip it IYKWIM, but after he'd gutted it his health deteriorated to the point that he couldn't finish the work; in order to buy the property we have to get a construction loan and make the house livable within 12 months, which doesn't sound like a big deal; the snag is that he house is less than a thousand (1000 [ONE thousand!]) sqaure feet, so we can't really live there longer than it takes to build a suitable house; the wonkiness is that there are turning out to be more things wrong with the place than we'd originally thought so we might not be able to buy it all after all).

I forgot why I was telling you all that -- sorry the Pauline sentence.

I can't believe they're making you take French classes after you get there. Wait. These are French people. Of course they'd make you take lessons.

I do hope everything works out just as you wish, though for my part I hope you can't go there till January so you can come here in the fall.


Anonymous said...

Wow! France! That's crazy! It'll be great, though. I didn't know about your blog until today... Miss ya...